SVFHair Loss Treatment
State-of-Art Depilation Therapy to Enhance Confidence
New Paradigm of Cell Aging to Keep Natural Youth,through Natural Treatment Process
Hair Regeneration Therapy for Hair Loss and
Healthy Hair
SVF Hair Loss Treatment
People at all age ranges can suffer hair loss, for many reasons.
Almost half of males suffer hair loss, by any means, until they are aged in their 50s.
Females aged in their 50s or 60s suffer a thin hair that can lead to a decline of theamount of hair.
Depilation results from various factors, such as genetic disposition, a lack of nutrition, endocrine diseases, and so on.
The innovative SVF Hair Loss Treatment to restore natural depilation symptom facilitates a new growth of hair follicle cell,
through self- fat regeneration cell or follicle cell used for scalp.
hair makes you 10 years younger?
SVF Hair Loss Treatment is
are extracted from our body’s fat or follicle, through special methods, these cells are either segmented into the tissue of
multiple types, or undergo the process to restore scalp hair.
Autologous Fat Cell Injection Operation Method
Autologous Follicular Cell Injection Operation Method
“ Perfect Abundant Scalp, You can have, too! ”
Hair Restoration Operation